Mortgage rate for rental property
Rental mortgage
Below are a number of features of this rental mortgage.
Investment in a rented house or to rent out The Dutch House located in the Rental for a permanent residence Redemption forms:
- linear, annuity, redemption free.
- Interest-free max. of 75% of the market value (rented state).
- Provision of up to 90% of the market value (leased state)
- Types of interest Fixed terms of 1 to 30 years
- Loan amount: €75,000 minimum, €1,500,000 maximum
- Renovation financing up to 15% of the market value (leased state)
- Rental income is included None The customer owns a maximum of three rental properties in total.
- The location of the house must be in the Netherlands.
When considering whether or not to purchase a rental property
It is important to know the current mortgage rates for rental properties. Rental properties can be a great investment, but it is important to know the risks involved before committing to any purchase. There are many factors to consider before deciding whether or not to purchase a rental property. These include: the amount of income the property will produce, the cost of upkeep and maintenance, and the condition of the property itself. It is also important to understand what types of mortgages you qualify for and what current rates are available. Whether you are purchasing your first rental property or adding to your portfolio, it’s important to understand the potential risks and benefits so you can make an informed decision about the best way to invest in your future.